

We would like to invite you to use The NHS App.  This allows you to access a range of NHS services.  Here is a video which explains how the NHS app works.  At this surgery you can use the NHS app to:

  • order repeat medication
  • nominate a pharmacy
  • make an appointment
  • view medical records
  • find your NHS number

Click here to get started with the NHS app.

If you have any problems accessing the NHS app you can contact the support team

Contact Us Online

We have a new way in which you can contact us online for any routine enquries.  We will aim to get back to you within 72 hours.  This system is called Patchs and you can use it to:

  • Request sick notes
  • Request letters
  • Submit a query about prescriptions
  • Ask for advice about non urgent medical conditions

Click here to access Patchs.

Have Your Say

NHS Friends and Family

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Primary Care Network

Mark Street Surgery is part of the Rochdale North, Primary Care Network. 


To find out what this means and the support that is offered please click on the below website link. 


